Past Salutes - 2018

Nominee's Name: Natalie Chen
Nominee's Unit: ERSO - Leslie's Team
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Natalie has helped me beyond belief! I have had a steady flow of incoming proposals that I really needed help managing. The moment I asked Natalie for my help she reached out to my PIs to work with them on 2 separate proposals. Another one of my PIs told me that she needed a "simple budget" within a couple of days which turned out to be a huge budget for a center that was more than $6 million. Natalie graciously and meticulously completed this budget for the PI who was very grateful for her level of detail and customer service. I am so thankful to work with Natalie who is the epitome of a team player! Thank you Natalie!

Nominee's Name: Natalie Chen
Nominee's Unit: ERSO
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Earlier this year this person accepted a new position within ERSO as a RSO. Shortly after I accepted a new position backfilling this persons old position as a FSA2. Before leaving their old position this person took the time to sit with myself and the rest of the purchasing team to train us in Blucard reconciliation. And since her departure she has continued to be a extremely valuable asset and wealth of knowledge to me in my new position. She always makes time for me with any question or issue I have in my new roll.

This person is the ideal employee, I am grateful to have her as a colleague and even more so a friend.


Nominee's Name: Gus Monino
Nominee's Unit: Central-IT
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

We were having an emergency where a DARPA proposal was due in a few hours and Lauren's pdf stopped working. Nothing would upload to Workspace properly and Gus dropped everything and came over straight away and fixed the Adobe problem within 10 minutes! THANK YOU GUS. We salute you!

Nominee's Name: Erik Hoopes
Nominee's Unit: ERSO Shipping & Receiving
Criteria: Problem Solver

Customer Service Example:

Erik Hoopes made a huge contribution to ERSO Receiving recently. I struggled to create location barcodes our tracking system would read and finally just handed it over to Erik. The location barcode was the corner stone issue preventing our package delivery and equipment management processes from achieving the ultimate chain of custody goal.

After communicating with our vendor and his impossibly demanding supervisor, Erik researched and procured all the necessary components, installed the software & hardware, cleaned up our database and started testing the new barcodes. Failure has haunted Receiving Departments for over three millennia and Erik's effort met the same fate for a few weeks. However, he was able to determine the issue resided in our vendor's system.

After a long conference call with the vendor, the entire issue was resolved due to Erik's insight, experience and willingness to jump into the problem-solving arena. The result is we can provide irrefutable proof of package delivery and/or asset location with digital time stamping and images. Erik's achievement brings greater accuracy and efficiency to our department.

Erik, I would like to personally thank you for being an excellent problem solver and for making a difference!

Nominee's Name: Mary Cuison
Nominee's Unit: Research Administration
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Today I met with Dr. Padolina who heads the PICARI program. He was visiting from the Philippine government.

In my meeting he expressed how grateful he was for the work that Mary did in coordinating all of his meetings during his visit to UC Berkeley. He said that Mary arranged everything with "military precision."

As we know, arranging meetings is often challenging and this certainly goes beyond Mary's role as C&G Manager. Her commitment to our organization is superb. Thank you Mary!

Nominee's Name: Jennifer Stone
Nominee's Unit: B&FS
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Just wanted to send a quick thank you to acknowledge Jennifer Stone's tremendous assistance with a large number of travel reimbursements (many from non-US participants) recently. These can be quite complex with many attachments, requirements, and much follow-up over a period of time. I very much appreciate Jennifer's professionalism in assisting to resolve each of these many reimbursements. The reimbursements are very important for many of these student or junior researchers (even the Senior Investigators are keen to know the status of their requests) and the processing reflects on our Program and School.


Nominee's Name: Natalie Chen
Nominee's Unit: RA
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

I am so grateful to Natalie Chen for stepping in to help with the 2018 Singapore BEARS audit by Deloitte. There were many items of back up to pull and some required her excellent knowledge of BFS and travel systems to produce. She quickly and in a very organized way produced needed items. She was of immense help.


Nominee's Name: Michael Banderas
Nominee's Unit: ERSO T&E Reimb Services
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Recently on Tuesday, late in the day, I overheard a conversation regarding an overdue payment to a photographer. The department had contacted Michael re a pending Requisition, stating there would now be a new Invoice, as the Vendor was upset & was now including a Late Fee. Michael took it upon himself to reach out to the Vendor. As a result, the Vendor agreed to withdraw the late fee & to accept the processing of the original Invoice. As we both work later in the day, this is not the first time I have observed Micheal's customer service skills. He has excellent phone etiquette, & is polite and professional...."Phone Call to Vendor...Saved University $112.00"...Above & Beyond Customer Service... Priceless!

Nominee's Name: Diane Howe
Nominee's Unit: B&FS - Travel and Entertainment
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Prior to moving back onto campus from 4th Street, I had casually mentioned to Diane that at some point, I may want to bring up my chair along with stand up desk to the new office space. After settling in, I messaged Diane with the intent to coordinate with her some time for me to retrieve my items from 4th Street. Without hesitation, Diane offered to load up her car with my belongings and bring everything up to campus for me the very next day. As if that wasn't already enough, she also made arrangements with Mark, for storage of the equipment, and Gus, for installation of the desk to ensure that I received everything timely and with little to no disruption. Diane is an exceptional team player and goes above and beyond for everyone around her. I cannot express enough how appreciative I am of her for everything that she has done. Thank you for making my transition back to campus as seamless and as comfortable as possible.

Nominee's Name: Sandra Guiton
Nominee's Unit: Payroll
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

This nomination is long overdue. I needed to prepare a large number of complicated PETs and couldn't remember how to indicate the various details. Sam spent quite a bit of time correcting and guiding me to make sure the requests were for what was actually needed. I'm especially grateful because I know she's explained all this to me before.

Thanks Sam!

Nominee's Name: Charlotte M. Jones
Nominee's Unit: ERSO
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Yesterday Charlotte had an E3S event for which a vendor was to supply snack food for ~100. She called them earlier in the day to ensure they had the details needed for arriving only to be told the vendor was out of the country & would not be coming. Charlotte quickly contacted another local vendor to step in with less than an hours notice. Kudos for Charlotte for thinking on her feet & doing her best to make sure the event turned out smoothly!


Nominee's Name: Anthony Stamos
Nominee's Unit: ERSO RA
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Anthony demonstrates and embodies many of these selection criteria - problem solver, above & beyond, demonstrates commitment. In leading the File Retention working group, he has been very geared toward continuous improvement of ERSO processes. He has been keeping the work on track, coming up with innovate and simplified processes for ease of work, and bringing the recommendations to management quickly. He truly demonstrates a commitment to ERSO in his drive to improve. We are lucky to have him on our team! Thanks, Anthony!


Nominee's Name: Damon Hinson
Nominee's Unit: ERSO
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Damon has been an extremely helpful in training me on various award processes since I have started back at ERSO. When I had my first NSF proposal, Damon sat with me on various occasions and trained me on every step of the process. Damon has a large portfolio to support, and took time out of his schedule to ensure I had the resources I needed to be successful in not only my first proposal but also various other questions I've had. Damon is an excellent trainer, colleague and is a true example of a team player. I am so grateful and fortunate to work with Damon and would like to thank him for all of his support.

Nominee's Name: Steven Quach
Nominee's Unit: ERSO - T&E
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Steven has processed many complicated travel reimbursements for one of the centers I support. The requests are submitted and typically are missing a lot of backup documentation and/or require additional clarification on expenses. When I've gone to approve reimbursements, I have seen the communications Steven has had with the center to clarify policies and documentation needed. Steven has had phone meetings with this center and has handled everything seamlessly so when the report is sent to me to approve I can be confident in knowing it is complete and compliant. Steven has gone above and beyond to provide excellent customer service and I appreciate all of his efforts in helping my center.

Nominee's Name: Natalie Chen
Nominee's Unit: Travel and Entertainment
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Natalie has recently received numerous reimbursements from one of my PI's group. All of these requests require additional explanations and revisions. Seeing her attentiveness to detail is a reflection on our commitment for excellence. Bravo Zulu

Nominee's Name: Michael Banderas
Nominee's Unit: Purchasing
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

I wanted to take a moment to recognize Michael Banderas for customer service that went above and beyond the call of duty.

I recently had an issue ordering frames I needed for an Executive Education Program. I was told a week before the graduation program they were on back order.

I called Michael, and he got right on the issue. He found appropriate frames (that were less expensive!) and made sure they got to me on time. He kept me informed along the way since he know I was a bit stressed about the possibility of disappointing the students. All this was very admirable, yet what struck me most was not the procedure he followed, but his upbeat, can do, a very professional attitude in which he went about his tasks. This, to me, was the invaluable part of the experience.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my comments on this team member's very positive efforts on my behalf and those of my students.


Nominee's Name: Gwen Lindsey
Nominee's Unit: RSO
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

This is a much delayed nomination. I would still call it an untold true story, even though some of my office mates have heard about this. On an early Monday morning last March, I was anxious about a DARPA proposal due that day, as I had not received all the information needed to complete the budget. On my way to work, I had a car accident. When I got to the office, I was shaking and could barely thinking, but still having to get my mind to focus on the proposal. Gwen came to my rescue and asked:”what can I do for you, Nicole?” She then spent most of her day checking my budget column by column and row by row, making suggestions and adjustments. When the budget was finally finished, I knew Gwen had saved my day. Gwen, Thank you for sharing your wisdom, your experience and most importantly, your time. I know you, too, have a heavy workload, but time and time again, you show me what a selfless team player you are.


Nominee's Name: Anthony Stamos
Nominee's Unit: RA
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Anthony has had a dialog with his admin. officer at DARPA for a couple of years when she told him she would be coming to visit Berkeley campus. He asked her if she would be willing to make a presentation to RA's about how DARPA worked. She agreed. She came today and presented to a group of ERSO RA's and SPO & IAO personnel covering some questions submitted in advance. Anthony set up the room & invited everyone; got a laptop for the presentation & even got some refreshments. This was a wonderful way to further educate our RA's. This only happened because Anthony had the idea and followed it. He should be commended for carrying out such a successful, beneficial endeavor!

Nominee's Name: Damon Hinson
Nominee's Unit: RSO
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Damon helped me in understanding few nitty-gritty details with one of my collaborative proposal which involves my PI as the lead and 2 other Berkeley faculty from various department. His guidance immensely helped me with proposal submission and meeting the deadline of the lead institution.

Nominee's Name: April Alford
Nominee's Unit: ERSO/Purchasing
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

On Wednesday, April 11th , 2018, there was an unexpected/unplanned, Fire Alarm at 4th Street, where all personnel were evacuated and to gather at their Teams designated sites. Alice was offsite at a Conference, and I was at a meeting on Campus. April took it upon herself to account for all ERSO Staff, acknowledging my absence as well, & informed me via text, of the situation. She additionally followed up with an "All Clear" text, once everyone was back safe & sound. Her instant "take charge" action, was greatly appreciated!

Nominee's Name: Mark Bell
Nominee's Unit: Shipping & Receiving
Criteria: Problem Solver

Customer Service Example:

I was very impressed with the mechanism Mark created for ERSO's entry in the RAC poster contest highlighting ERSO's fabulous integrated Intranet. Volunteering his own time, Mark created a platform to enable all the moving parts of ERSO's 3-D poster to function properly: creative and incredible.

A shout out also goes to the entire team on the RAC poster committee, especially T.K Chen, Leslie Goldstein, Vonis Moore and Diane Howe.

Nominee's Name: Derek Johnson
Nominee's Unit: ERSO
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Derek was awesome while I was out the other week. I was scheduled to be out Wed-Fri, and (of course) a PI lets me know at 2PM on Tues that he needs to submit a proposal by Friday. Derek graciously dealt with the tight deadline turn around, working on a proposal for another RA's PI, last minute changes in the budget, and pulling all the pieces together. He showed such great team spirit , solved all the problems, and went above and beyond in helping me out even when we are all super busy. I can't thank him enough. He deserves all the recognition.

Thanks, Derek - you rock!

Nominee's Name: Rebecca Foster
Nominee's Unit: Payroll Operations
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Rebecca is most deserving of this nomination for her effort and support of the BEARS Singapore operation.

They often have very complex and intricate needs and Rebecca is always willing to assist and accommodate.

In this particular instance they needed payroll data organized in a certain manner that required custom reports and pivots. Of course they needed this urgently. Rebecca worked her reporting and excel magic and provided the information to the team in 24 hours.

Rebecca is committed to service and this is just one example that exemplifies it! Thank you Rebecca.


Nominee's Name: Diane Howe
Nominee's Unit: ERSO - CSS Research Support Org
Criteria: Problem Solver

Customer Service Example:

Jacobs Hall had an urgent request to pay via bluCard with less that 8 hours notice. We spent a lot of time negotiating a discount and forgot to add ERSO to the conversation.

Diane is a problem-solver who always goes above and beyond the call of duty. She is a team leader who encourages her unit to be team players.

Her continued demonstration to commitment contributes to Jacobs Hall success and the mission of UC Berkeley. Thank you!

Nominee's Name: Steven Quach
Nominee's Unit: ERSO - CSS Research Support Org
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Jacobs Hall had an urgent request for bluCard payment with less than 8 hours notice. We spent a lot of time negotiating a discount and forgot to include ERSO in the conversation.

Steven Quach was very instrumental in helping Jacobs Hall get the invoice paid before the deadline. Steven is also a problem-solver who utilized his team player skills in getting his entire team to help with this request.

Steven's ongoing demonstrated commitment to Jacobs Hall & UC Berkeley's mission in the past and present has been very valuable.

Thank you!

Nominee's Name: Alice Wong
Nominee's Unit: ERSO - CSS Research Support Org
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Jacobs Hall had an urgent request for bluCard payment with less than 8 hours notice. We spent a lot of time negotiating a discount and forgot to include ERSO in the conversation.

Alice Wong was very instrumental in helping Jacobs all get the invoice paid before the deadline.

Alice is also a problem-solver who utilized her team player skills in getting her entire team to help with this request.

Alice's ongoing demonstrated commitment to Jacobs Hall & UC Berkeley's mission in the past and present has been very valuable.

Thank you!

Nominee's Name: Michael Banderas
Nominee's Unit: ERSO - CSS Research Support Org
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Jacobs Hall had an urgent request for bluCard payment with less than 8 hours notice. We spent a lot of time negotiating a discount and forgot to include ERSO in the conversation.

Michael was very instrumental in helping Jacobs Hall get the invoice paid before the deadline. He is also a problem-solver who utilized his team player skills in getting his entire team to help with this request.

Michael's ongoing demonstrated commitment to Jacobs Hall & UC Berkeley's mission in the past and present has been very valuable.

Thank you!


Nominee's Name: Leslie Goldstein
Nominee's Unit: ERSO-RA
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

This salute is to recognize the above and beyond contribution of Leslie Goldstein. Recently I was asked to provide detailed data for a project the Dean of Engineering was working on.

The data needed was intricate and specific. I discussed the need with Leslie and she immediately went to work. Along the way she was patient while answering my many questions.

Her understanding of our systems and sense of urgency was a huge asset to me and the Dean.

Thank you Leslie!


Nominee's Name: Diane Howe
Nominee's Unit: B & FS
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Diane has gone WAY above and beyond for her efforts in reviewing over 15 complex (international) travel reimbursements for one traveler whom had very unique circumstances over a one year period. I cannot stress enough how complicated these reimbursements are and to the degree Diane had to dive into the details to complete such a thorough review. If I had to estimate, she has devoted over 32 hours to this project, including on her weekends. Receipts in various foreign languages, currency conversions, and incompleteness are just a few of the barriers that Diane tackled with ease and enthusiasm. Finally, I really appreciate Diane’s patience to explain her finding to me. Great job, Diane!

Nominee's Name: Diane Howe
Nominee's Unit: Travel & Entertainment
Criteria: Anticipates Customer Needs

Customer Service Example:

With all the commotion at CSS-4th Street and the move to the 3rd floor, for the T & E unit, a huge thank you and sigh of relief goes to to Diane Howe for her foresight and generosity. I was amazed to learn she not only packed and moved her own cubicle, Diane also packed and moved 3 others: ERSO's hotel cube, Cynthia Weekley's and Jennifer Stone's CSS offices.

My task of packing the hotel cube vanished, as if by magic, saving me a lot of time. Really, it was Diane's magical self I'm grateful for.

Past Salutes - 2017

Past Salutes - 2016

Past Salutes - 2017

Nominee's Name: Joel Spitzer
Nominee's Unit: ERSO-HR
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Several times in December, Joel volunteered, in-person, to collect repayment checks from employees at critical times to meet the very short 2017 tax-year deadlines. He not only went out of his way to retrieve the payments, but also volunteered to deliver them directly to campus Payroll to expedite processing. This is a priceless service and help to ERSO-Payroll. Joel's actions exemplify team spirit, commitment and why ERSO is the greatest. Thank you.


Nominee's Name: Gwen Lindsey
Nominee's Unit: Research Administration
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Gwen provided me an enormous amount of help and support on the budget and documentation of my first DOE proposal. She provided me with a template for the budget and she made herself available for a seemingly endless number of questions. I can't thank her enough for being SO GENEROUS with her time and expertise!

Nominee's Name: Sandra Guiton
Nominee's Unit: ERSO Payroll
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Sam as been an extremely valuable team player to me this month. She stepped in at critical instances when I was unavailable to resolve or complete tasks with crucial deadlines such as delivering overpayment checks to campus and tackling a intricate pay history and expense transfer issue with perseverance to enable closure of the matter. I'm so thankful for her help.

Nominee's Name: Gina Banton
Nominee's Unit: HR Operations
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Gina is most deserving of a staff salute! Within hours, she provided EECS with a GSR report, configured per their wishes, with 12+ years worth of data. She responded in a customer friendly manner, offering customization if necessary. This in my opinion, exemplifies going above and beyond as well as being an excellent team player. Thank you Gina!


Nominee's Name: Gina Banton
Nominee's Unit: ERSO HR
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Every time I have an HR question I go to Gina even when she is not the assigned person. I can count on Gina to answer any and all of my questions in a way that is easy for non HR expert to understand. She never makes me feel like I am a bother and is always super responsive to my emails/calls. She is quick and thorough which allows me to get my work done in a timely manner. Thank you Gina for all you do!!


Nominee's Name: Lauren Mitchell
Nominee's Unit: Research Administration
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Lauren is a great team player. She was backing me while I was in vacation last week when faculty decided to make few last minute budget change for her NSF Collaborative proposal due to sponsor that week. Lauren diligently modified the budget and related internal documents and updated all the information in Fastlane within that time crunch. All because of her proposal was submitted on time. She truly deserves a salute!

Nominee's Name: Lucia Greenfield-Head
Nominee's Unit: ERSO CSS Team 2
Criteria: Problem Solver

Customer Service Example:

Lucia went above and beyond to find solutions to a unique, urgent hiring situation. She was very solutions oriented!

Nominee's Name: Alberto Marcelo
Nominee's Unit: ERSO CSS Team 2
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Alberto went out of his way to call me and make sure I understood his thought process on a hiring issue. I was very impressed by the extra effort and personal touch reaching out to me. He was also very kind in his way of helping me understand.

Nominee's Name: TK Chen
Nominee's Unit: ERSO IT
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

TK demonstrated incredible commitment responding to "emergencies" with our critical infrastructure. In July, TK helped troubleshoot our Sympa server preserve our email aliases were functioning. His response happened after hours AND while he was on his vacation.

Most recently, TK took quick action responding to a campus emergency power shut off to ensure our servers were protected during this alert and bringing the servers back up in the evening.

TK's commitment to maintaining our critical infrastructure at all hours of the day and behind the scenes is very much appreciated. Thank you, TK!


Nominee's Name: Yulia Golubovskaya
Nominee's Unit: Research Administration
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Yulia is the person who is there for all. She is very knowledgeable, resourceful and a to go person for any work related questions or issues. She even sometimes organizes casual social events in order to boost team morale.

Nominee's Name: Damon Hinson
Nominee's Unit: Reserach Administrator
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Damon is not only is a great resource for me he also guided me with my questions related to DARPA and NSF collaborator proposal. Besides this he is helping theory faculties including some of mine with their T&E request in absence of the student assistance during summer.

Nominee's Name: Noriko Katagiri
Nominee's Unit: Research Administration
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

I had to submit a NIH proposal using ASSIST. While I was sharing that in the group Noriko asked me to come to her office so she can give me an overview of the proposal that she submitted in ASSIST. That short but up close training made the process really smooth for me.


Nominee's Name: Gus Monino
Nominee's Unit: CSS IT
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

I would like to submit Gus both for being a Problem Solver and going Above & Beyond.

On June 21st, Cory Hall lost access to the network for half of the day. Shared drives files, campus systems, and the internet were unavailable. This was very bad since the biweekly payroll deadline was the following day, and the monthly deadline/fiscal close deadline was the day after that. Access to the network was critical in order to get all payroll and human resources requests in this extra busy time.

Gus came to our rescue of the Payroll Services Team by coming up with the solution and by dropping everything to set up access to spare workstations and laptops in O'Brien Hall for Payroll Services and HR Ops staff, allowing us to continue work.

Because of Gus, we were able to fulfill all requests we had committed to make for the fiscal close deadline, benefiting our employees, RSO's, and financial admins.

Thanks for being a lifesaver, Gus!

Nominee's Name: Damon Hinson
Nominee's Unit: ERSO RA
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Damon has been a solid person I can go to: posing questions or problems and know I can walk away with a direction to follow. He continually exhibits a team first attitude which I have learned I can depend on.

Nominee's Name: Anthony Stamos
Nominee's Unit: ERSO-Team 2
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

I was hired off campus, and needed to learn the many campus systems and had to deal with structuring some complicated proposals. I quickly identified Anthony as the "Answer Man", if he doesn't know something, he knows where to find the answer. He has always given me either the information I'm looking for, or a plan how to resolve a problem. And his spreadsheets, which he shares, are a thing of beauty. He's willing to stay late when his help is needed, and he follows-up to check that any problems were resolved. Despite having a full work load, and serving as back-up for other out-of-office RSOs, Anthony has always been great about making time to help anyone who asks for it.

Nominee's Name: Anthony Stamos
Nominee's Unit: Research Administration
Criteria: Problem Solver

Customer Service Example:

Anthony has been a great resource since I started with ERSO. Introducing the intranet and different ERSO processes. He has also been very helpful in proposal preparation.

Nominee's Name: Sarah Lirio
Nominee's Unit: ERSO RA
Criteria: Anticipates Customer Needs

Customer Service Example:

Sarah has been working very hard with a demanding client on resolving funding issues. Her patience and understanding has not only calmed the customer but has allowed her to make progress in resolutions.

Nominee's Name: Jennifer Dawson
Nominee's Unit: ERSO RSO
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

I can't thank Jen enough for answering only about 2000 of my various RSO questions throughout the course of the past 9 months. With her help, this old dog is still trying to learn new tricks. And boy there is a lot of them to learn at UC Berkeley.

Nominee's Name: Lucia Greenfield-Head
Nominee's Unit: HR Operations
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Lucia worked closely with me to revamp our student remote hiring process which is particularly vital during Summer. She showed excellent understanding of student onboarding policy and a great attention to detail. Thank you to Lucia for making this complicated process more clear for our students.

Nominee's Name: Natalie Chen
Nominee's Unit: Procurement
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Natalie has been super helpful on processing our request most especially our event request that deals with a lot of logistics. She's very patient and very pro-active. I really appreciate that she's willing to answer question to help me succeed on my job as well. I am grateful to be able to work with her, she's very pleasant to work with.


Nominee's Name: Alice P. Wong
Nominee's Unit: Team 2
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

I've had the pleasure of working with Alice since our college was assigned to Team 2. I can not put into words how much I appreciate Alice and the calm, clear way she handles every request, change or mis-upload.

She is always patient with myself and our guests. She is always clear in what she needs and the reasons behind them.

Thank you, Alice!!

Nominee's Name: Mary Courtney
Nominee's Unit: ERSO Team 2
Criteria: Problem Solver

Customer Service Example:

Recently, our Purchasing Supervisor was out on vacation and Mary had received a complicated Purchase Order request, that needed to have immediate attention. The order was for numerous items, payable to several Vendors, & needed to be paid for using several payment methods. As her immediate Teams cards were not all available for usage, she requested permission to utilize our T&E Staff, to assist with the processing of this request. She went to each Staff member, explained the situation and in addition, communicated the back-end process, so as to have clean accurate results. This type of "quick thinking" and Team management, resulted in our Vendors getting paid as well as our customers receiving their goods in the time requested.

Nominee's Name: Vicky Yasenchok
Nominee's Unit: Team 2 HR Operations
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

Vicky was given a report of over 100 expiring appointments. She achieved a 100% response rate in contacting supervisors to determine if appointments will be extended. This means the students will get paid on time and that payroll and HR wont have to spend time following up with students who submit a timecard but don't have an appointment in the system. Our whole team will benefit thanks to Vicky's hard work and diligence (it took some supervisor's 4 emails before they replied). Thanks Vicky!

Nominee's Name: Julie Aquino
Nominee's Unit: ERSO Payroll
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

During the extended absence of our teammate, Julie assisted Sam in completing the long-overdue ( very boring drudgery !!! ) filing of payroll documents. Since we have no student helpers, Julie and Sam had to carve out a significant amount of time from busy schedules to accomplish this task. Julie steadfast commitment and hard work enables our teammate to return to a clean state and fresh start on this matter. The contribution cannot be overstated because we are so heavily audited and need to have all payroll documents organized and easily accessible. Thank you so much , Julie for your support to the ERSO-Payroll team.

Nominee's Name: Sandra Guiton
Nominee's Unit: ERSO Payroll
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

During the extended absence of our teammate, Sam organized, managed and succeeded in completing long-overdue ( very boring and monotonous !!! ) filing of payroll documents. Along with Julies's help, they made the back-log disappear in order to provide a clean slate and fresh start for our much-missed-soon-to-return teammate. Sam demonstrated compassion and determination along with just-plain elbow grease and hard work. The contribution cannot be overstated because we are so heavily audited; having all documents in the right place and easily accessible is crucial. Many, many thanks!


Nominee's Name: Alice Wong
Nominee's Unit: ERSO
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

This is to recognize Alice for her quick response to our urgent requests. Examples is the HotnCold order (BB cart # 85039311) and our yearly WP engine requests. Both requests are time sensitive. She gave us a timeline and a list of the things that we need. The requests were processed in a timely manner. These are just a few of the many requests that she has helped us with. I appreciate all her work that she has done to assist us in our requests. Keep doing a good job Alice!

Nominee's Name: Vicky Yasenchok
Nominee's Unit: ERSO
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Vicky epitomizes 'above and beyond.' She was exceedingly helpful in retroactively adjusting a GSR appointment to the correct step level. It was a long process and involved deleting records and then re-creating them to ensure the correct funding level, appt level, etc. Vicky was helpful throughout and communicative. Thank you so so much, Vicky!


Nominee's Name: Sarah Runyon
Nominee's Unit: ERSO Research Administration
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Sarah deserves big recognition for Problem Solver, Above & Beyond, Team Player and Demonstrates Commitment. While I was out of the office in August 2016, she processed a bunch of SIS payments for my faculty's GSRs. One of them had an issue (not her fault!), and she continued to try fixing it. Besides many following ups with SIS helpdesk, she also made a few trips to the SIS Lab. It took several months to fix! I feel very fortunate to have her as a team mate. Thank you, Sarah!


Nominee's Name: Alicia Jellinek
Nominee's Unit: Procurement
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

I was having trouble with my computer and needed to place an order and expedite it, Alicia took it and placed the order for me, it was a tremendous help to both myself and our customer, she is a real team player.

Nominee's Name: Anthony Stamos
Nominee's Unit: RA
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Anthony Stamos deserves a Scoop Salute for all the mentoring he has provided to Hasan the last couple of months, and for being such an excellent teacher. Hasan has learned NSF Fastlane and the fine art of combing through an RFP. Way to go Anthony and Hasan.

Nominee's Name: Alberto Marcelo
Nominee's Unit: HR
Criteria: Above & Beyond

Customer Service Example:

Alberto has been very supportive in going above and beyond to train his team when they need help. He readily takes initiative to offer a helping hand and provides authentic feedback to continually help us grow. I can say, I feel supported by a great organization at ERSO, and Alberto embodies the mission of ERSO by being a team player and going above and beyond every day to provide quality and efficient HR services.

Past Salutes - 2016