Past High Fives - 2020
4th Quarter

Names of People on the Team: Rebecca Foster, Eboni Wilson & Leslie Goldstein
Team Unit: Other
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We focus on services

Rebecca, Eboni and Leslie were tasked with responding to the BEARS Singapore audit again this year. In normal times, this audit is challenging, but in this remote environment, this audit was a massive undertaking. Hours of their time have been spent tracking down documents, responding to auditor queries and questions and dealing with an ever-changing sample set. Despite all the work demands placed on them, they have been diligent in responding to the auditors and BEARS leadership. This monumental task was a massive time sink and it did not go unnoticed. Thank you to this audit team!

Names of People on the Team: Anthony Stamos (former member), Sanchita Pal, Noriko Katagiri, Damon Hinson
Team Unit: Research
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We are accountable to each other

CERT Team These individuals have been working aimlessly to assist the ERSO unit be reducing our overall overdraft report. In the past 4 months, the group has reduced our financial overdraft by 41% and are diligently working to reduce our overall overdraft report to 100%.

Names of People on the Team: TK Chen, Dan Matsuoka
Team Unit: Computer Support
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We are accountable to each other

Dan and TK have worked tirelessly on 2 major server upgrades that support all of our internal web applications (HRBD, website, Sympa, Intranet, DCS, GSR hiring, etc). This work is highly detailed and a big lift to make sure all of the systems are accounted for and migrated seamlessly. We had some internal deadlines to meet the migration goals. In order to meet these deadlines, both Dan and TK spent "off hours" including weekends and the Thanksgiving holiday to ensure the deadlines were achieved and our systems are in working order. Because of the planning and seamless transition, these major projects are often unnoticed to most of ERSO staff. I would like to send out a big shout out to both Dan and TK for their efforts on these critical projects. Thanks so much!

2nd Quarter

Names of People on the Team: Erik Hoops, Ken Major, Mark Bell
Team Unit: Cross Functional
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We focus on services

The S&R Team has provided phenomenal service to the ERSO staff and community during the Shelter in Place orders for campus. During the SIP, our S&R Team was on campus providing support to ERSO.

During the SIP order, Erik, Mark, and Ken have played a tremendous role in facilitating ERSO Staff to work 100% remotely in a short period and ensuring staff had the necessary equipment to work from home. With the Bay Area Shelter in Place order, there was not a lot of time to prepare for this transition. Our S&R Team provided assistance by retrieving staff’s office equipment to help them work from home ergonomically and efficiently (i.e. office chairs, monitors, mice, etc.); in addition to mailing computer peripherals to home their addresses. They also coordinated with Gus in troubleshooting computer issues related to staff’s remote desktop connections, which required our S&R Staff to turn on computers, etc. We appreciate all of the support provided by our S&R Team during this SIP.

Names of People on the Team: Mark Bell, Erik Hoopes, etc.
Team Unit: Shipping and Receiving
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We focus on services

Our Shipping & Receiving team are still on campus during the shelter in place directive. When my computer updated and I could not connect via remote desktop, they went and started up my computer for me. I recognize the risk they are taking to keep us working and hope they are able to stay safe. Thank you so much!

1st Quarter

Names of People on the Team: Jennifer Stone, TK Chen, Dan Matsuoka, Eboni Wilson, Gina Banton
Team Unit: Cross Functional
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We imagine and innovate

This team successfully launched the batch funding upload module which will result in thousand of saved manual entry hours for the ERSO team. They worked tirelessly to develop the business requirements, develop the programming, testing and communication to launch this module within 4 months- super impressive. Way to go team!!

Past High Fives - 2019

Past High Fives - 2018

Past High Fives - 2017

Past High Fives - 2016